These are the "No Parking" signs on street cleaning days: Monday and Tuesday on the street where parents drop off and pick up their kids at Kester Elementary School. I have a daughter attending that school and have myself gotten two parking tickets in one semester. Principal Sandi Barrett and the PTA have been pleading with Cindy Miscikowski, who is the councilwoman for the district the school is in (District 11), to have the street cleaning times changed. But the L.A. City council has deaf ears. If I am elected to the New Valley District 11 (won't include Kester), I will call for cooperation between parking enforcement and street cleaning services; and the Valley Schools.
Who says that Sucession has nothing to do with LAUSD?
Illegal Ice Cream Vendor at Sylvan Park Elementary in Van Nuy
Illegal Vendors selling uninspected food to children at the Valley's schools is a daily event. The LAPD has unofficial orders to leave these vendors alone. If I am elected to the New Valley Council District 11, I will call for Zero Tolerance to the selling of food or anything to children by Illegal Vendors.