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QUESTIONS FREQUENTLY ASKED BY ILLEGAL ALIEN CRIMINALS REGARDING THE MATRICULA CONSULAR ID Q. Why should I get a Mexican ID? A. Criminal Friendly Cities like Los Angeles that recognize the ID, will make life easier for you if you carry the ID. Q. What are the advantages of having a Mexican ID? A. A Mexican ID can be used in lieu of a driver's license to access a wide range of public services in the City and County of Los Angeles. Q. Do I have to be a Mexican to get a Mexican ID? A. No, you only have to present a forged Mexican Birth Certificate to the Mexican Consulate in Los Angeles. Q. What if I am an Anglo Criminal. Can I still get a Mexcian ID? A. Technically, yes. But unlike our local authorities, the Mexican Government profiles. The Consolate might get suspicious if you have blond hair and blue eyes. Q. Many Mexicans like myself were born in a small village where most of the newborn didn't even obtain birth certificates. What should I do? A. Not to worry. Use a forged birth certificate which you can obtain for $25.00 on Alvarado Blvd in the Mac Arthur Park section of L.A. The Mexican Consulate does not verify the information on the birth certificate. But even if they did, they are no better at verifying birth certificates than the L.A. City Council. Q. What if I get stopped for going through a red light. Will I be deported? A. No. Upon presenting your Mexican ID, the LAPD officer who stops you, will know that you are illegally in the country, otherwise you wouldn't need the Mexican ID in the first place. Deporting you would defeat the purpose of the ID. You will only get a ticket. Q. Will I have to pay the ticket? A. No. You won't have to pay the ticket because it will be too much trouble to track you down. But to be on the safe side, you should have several false Mexican IDs to show on different occations to confuse your identity. None of your IDs should have the correct address or contact information. LAPD officers will not be able to do a "make" on you to verify any information you give them. Remember, once an LAPD officer gives you a ticket, he's done and you are on your way. Q. What if I am a fugitive and get stopped for going through a red light in a car that I just stole. Will I go to jail? A. No. When you present your Mexican ID to the LAPD officer, he will have no way of knowing that you are a serial killler or that you just stole the car you were stopped in. The worst that will happen is that the car you just stole will be impounded and the officer will tell you that you will have to walk home. But you won't have to walk home if you steal another car. Q. If I am an American Citizen or legal resident who has a valid ID such as a driver's license, is there an advantage to also obtaining a Mexican ID? A. Yes. There is a big advantage for criminals to use a Mexican ID instead of a valid California driver's license. If you are stopped by an LAPD officer for an infraction, he won't know that you are a criminal if you show a Mexican ID. That's why it is a good idea to leave your California driver's license home. Q. Why would the Mexican Consolate issue a Mexican ID if I already have a valid California ID? A. The Mexican government recognizes dual citizenship. If you or your mother are from Mexico, they will be happy to provide you with a supplemental Mexican ID. But just to stay on the safe side, don't tell them that you are an American Citizen or Legal Resident. Q. What happens if the Mexican Consulate figures out that I am trying to obtain a Mexican ID with a false birth certificate? A. Nothing. But they won't let you have the ID. |