Before posting this information, Hal Netkin consulted by telephone with Ted Hays, the well known and respected advocate and activist for the Homeless.
To Hal's surprise, Mr. Hays believes that no city by itself should throw money at the problem of homelessness. He believes that if Los Angeles or any other big city took care of its homeless in a proper way, it would attract the homeless from all other cities that did not offer the same level of services. Hays believes that homelessness can only be solved on a national level (on this I wasn't convinced).
Investigating what services are now available for the homeless (and the not so homeless), Hal was surprized that many orgnizations exsist at this moment to help.
Here is a list of them:
AIDS 800-342-2437
Infoline, Referrals, San Fernando Valley 818-501-4447
Alcoholics Anonymous 818-988-3001
Battered Women s Hotline 818-887-6589
Children of the night 800-551-1300
Cold Weather Shelter Info 800-548-6047
Cri-Help (Drug Rehab) 818-985-8323
Haven Hills (Domestic Violence) 818-887-6589
Suicide Prevention Center 310-391-1253
Valley Trauma Center (Victims of Rape) 818-886-0453
Hillview Mental Health, Lakeview Terrace 818-898-1161
S.F. Mental Health, Mission Hills 818-837-8150
West Valley Mental Health 818-598-6900
S.F.V. Com. Mental Health Center 818-901-4830
Valley Com. Clinic, N Hollywood 818-763-8836
Veterans Hospital, Sepulveda 818-895-9595
Burbank Temporary Aid, Burbank 818-846-2330
Cornerstone, Van Nuys 818-376-0030
Independent Living Center Van Nuys 818-988-9525
Loaves of Fishes
Chatsworth 818-882-3474
Loaves & Fishes, Van Nuys 818-997-0943
Lutheran Social Services, Van Nuys 818-901-9480
Mend, Pacoima 818-896-0246
On Your Feet, Studio City 818-506-5973
Salvation Army, S.F.V. Corp, Van Nuys 818-781-5739
United Methodist Church Sepulveda 818-892-1164
Valley Shelter, N. Hollywood 818-982-4091
Women's Care Cottage, N Hollywood 818-753-4580
F.I.S.H., Chatsworth 818-882.3474
Lutheran Social Services, Van Nuys 818-901-9480
St Jane Frances Food Pantry 818-766-7393
Bet Tzedek Legal Services, N Hollywood 818-769-0136
S F Neighborhood Legal Services, Pacoima 818-896-5211
So what's the problem?
Answer: Most of those who need the above services don't know about it.
Solution: The Van Nuys Neighborhood Council should call for the formation of an outreach program involving volunteers. The volunteers will comb our neighborhoods to reach out to the homeless and the needy to help them get the help they need.