Among the 72 leading contributors to Los Angeles City Hall Politics, the largest group is made up of those who represent others' interests as well as their own. It includes 14 major law firms, three public relations outfits, and nine lobbying and consulting firms -- all paid handsome fees to use their access to politicians and top bureaucrats that they've cultivated over the years to influence City Hall's decisions.

I have lived in Van Nuys (District 11) for the past 12 years. The Council Person for District 11 when I first moved to Van Nuys twelve years ago (my second time living in Van Nuys) was Marvin Braude. One of his deputies was Cindy Miscikowski, who was until recently, the Council Member for District 11. In looking at the Politics Peddlers list below, note Douglas Ring.

Conflict of interest? What do you think?