When that balance has gone haywire like it has in the last 10 years, it is time to put the Valley back on track.
Those are some of my principles.
AM I A RACIST? You be the judge. I am Jewish, I am married to a Latina who illegally immigrated from Mexico in 1989 (now a proud U.S. Citizen), and we have three adopted daughters whose combined ancestry is Mexican, Honduran, and Filipino. An older daughter of mine is married to a Black-American, and my brother's wife immigrated from El Salvador. How's that for family diversity?
AM I A XENOPHOBE? I am the son of immigrants. My first language was not English. Counting my parents' Yiddish and my conversational Spanish, I guess I'm tri-lingual. But my parents, my family, and I respected America enough to learn how to speak English. I respect other cultures and languages, but I strongly believe that if you wish to live and prosper in America you must show the respect and courtesy to learn English...NOT forget any other language...but to be able to communicate in the native language of America. That doesn't make me a racist, it makes me a respectful, proud American. I believe that reasonably controlled, traditional, legal immigration is good for America. But the massive illegal immigration that has exploded out of control is not good for anyone and has to be brought back into reality.
AM I BEING FUNDED BY ANY POLITICAL ORGANIZATION? No, but I ask the concerned public to help foot the bill to cover the costs of this site.

My principles are that fairness and opportunity make America great, but that America and existing American citizens' interests must come first over the rest of the world. We paid the taxes, we went to war for our country, we designed and paid and built this paradise. We deserve to enjoy it most.
Yes, I believe an American military veteran (of any color) who went to fight for our country should get preferential treatment over a non-citizen who pays no taxes and refuses to follow our laws.
Yes, I believe that Americans born here and who have lived here and paid taxes here deserve better than to be pushed out of business because an illegal, non-taxable business opened up next door.
Yes, I am against people who come here and turn our beautiful Valley into someplace that looks like a third world ghetto. America and we Americans living in the Valley have worked very hard and paid the price for the Valley to be clean and beautiful.
Because of our traditional American principles, laws, and values, America is the greatest country in the world. If someone doesn't want to accept our value system, our laws, and our standards of decency, then they have many other countries to choose from. Diversity is fine but it doesn't mean that the greatest country in the world has to let itself erode and crumble.
Allowing all groups of people to prosper and enjoy the Valley, Fairness to those who have made the Valley (and America) great, and Not allowing the Valley to become a second-class city.

www.NetkinCan.com Hal Netkin Van Nuys, CA
I am a no-nonsense Grass Roots Citizen who calls it like it is.
I'm not a three-piece suit politician beholden to any special interests. But I will be beholden to my constituency.
I have experienced the frustration of talking to a deaf L.A. City Council. I know what it's like. If I am elected, my door will be open to any constituent for interactive discussion of issues that are important to you.
Experience as a Van Nuys block captain and community activist, tells me that my style will rub some people the wrong way. Politicians and opposing groups get very frustrated with me when I talk straight and stand behind my opinions. (Politicians don't like to take a strong stand, because they might need to change their position to save their skin). When some politicians and angry people couldn't find a legitimate argument against my views, instead of being honest they play dirty. They've often tried to paint me as a racist, a crackpot, and worse. Judge for yourself.
MY BACKGROUND AND PRINCIPLES I spent most of my youth in East Los Angeles. I am a Korean War Veteran and I am an Electrical Engineer by education.
As a Block Captain and Anti-Crime activist, I worked closely with the Van Nuys LAPD. Until I focused on my activism and this website, I was active in the PTA, and was a public school volunteer. For the year 1999, I received the "Volunteer of the Year" award from the Latin American Civic Association's Van Nuys Head Start Preschool and am presently involved with volunteer work for them. I love god, my family and America.
My principles are strong, traditional, and decent. I understand that there is always a balance in nature, and that the political/social/business climate in the Valley has fallen way out of balance. I want to return the Valley back into balance...a balance that welcomes and includes all colors, religions, and cultures... but a Valley lifestyle still based on the values, culture, and principles of America.
The Police don't enforce many of the laws, the City bureaucracy has forgotten about fairness or what the citizens want, and many cultural groups are promoting their own agendas at the expense of the community overall. Many groups and individuals are taking advantage of our American generosity, short-changing the people whose hard work and honesty made it possible. Many Valley residents have been paying taxes, following the laws, and being honest for all their lives. The City government and many political special interest groups have allowed these good people's sincerity to be trampled on. That unfairness is against my principles and I aim to fix it. |

My principles are that fairness and opportunity make America great, but that America and existing American citizens' interests must come first over the rest of the world. We paid the taxes, we went to war for our country, we designed and paid and built this paradise. We deserve to enjoy it most.
Yes, I believe an American military veteran (of any color) who went to fight for our country should get preferential treatment over a non-citizen who pays no taxes and refuses to follow our laws.
Yes, I believe that Americans born here and who have lived here and paid taxes here deserve better than to be pushed out of business because an illegal, non-taxable business opened up next door.
Yes, I am against people who come here and turn our beautiful Valley into someplace that looks like a third world ghetto. America and we Americans living in the Valley have worked very hard and paid the price for the Valley to be clean and beautiful.
Because of our traditional American principles, laws, and values, America is the greatest country in the world. If someone doesn't want to accept our value system, our laws, and our standards of decency, then they have many other countries to choose from. Diversity is fine but it doesn't mean that the greatest country in the world has to let itself erode and crumble.
Allowing all groups of people to prosper and enjoy the Valley, Fairness to those who have made the Valley (and America) great, and Not allowing the Valley to become a second-class city.

There must be a balance between: |

When that balance has gone haywire like it has in the last 10 years, it is time to put the Valley back on track.
Those are some of my principles.
AM I A RACIST? You be the judge. I am Jewish, I am married to a Latina who illegally immigrated from Mexico in 1989 (now a proud U.S. Citizen), and we have three adopted daughters whose combined ancestry is Mexican, Honduran, and Filipino. An older daughter of mine is married to a Black-American, and my brother's wife immigrated from El Salvador. How's that for family diversity?
AM I A XENOPHOBE? I am the son of immigrants. My first language was not English. Counting my parents' Yiddish and my conversational Spanish, I guess I'm tri-lingual. But my parents, my family, and I respected America enough to learn how to speak English. I respect other cultures and languages, but I strongly believe that if you wish to live and prosper in America you must show the respect and courtesy to learn English...NOT forget any other language...but to be able to communicate in the native language of America. That doesn't make me a racist, it makes me a respectful, proud American. I believe that reasonably controlled, traditional, legal immigration is good for America. But the massive illegal immigration that has exploded out of control is not good for anyone and has to be brought back into reality.
AM I BEING FUNDED BY ANY POLITICAL ORGANIZATION? No, but I ask the concerned public to help foot the bill to cover the costs of this site.

Hal Netkin for Council 11 |